Stig Östlund

tisdag, januari 25, 2011

Israel’s New Neighbor: Hizbullah

Hizbullah scored a bloodless coup Tuesday and is set to become Israel’s new political neighbor to the north, but the shadows of civil war stalk the streets of Beirut.

The Lebanese parliament gave billionaire banker Najib Makati, Hizbullah’s nominee, a solid majority of 68-60 to replace caretaker Prime Minister Said Hariri.

Legislators voted as violence swept Beirut, threatening to re-kindle the flames of civil war that wracked the country for 15 years from 1975 to 1990. Hizbullah’s huge terrorist army and widespread political organization have changed the face of Lebanon, where it already is a state-within-a state from the Litani River to Israel’s border.

The IDF has reported no incidents at the border in the past several days, but soldiers are on alert. By coincidence, several brigades of soldiers are in the midst of training in the Golan Heights.

Nu skärper sig Israel ytterligare, och anledning till detta har uppkommit
